
My Story


 Chapter 1


In the midst of the jungle lay a cute baby. It's name is yet to be vowed and be confirmed.It's cradle was just outside a hut. In just a minute a large, bulky, strong looking man with a leather cloak and a badge on his right shoulder came out of the hut. His name was Rost."Don't like the cold ?" he said, in a soft and gravelly tone. The Baby smiled and laughed. Rost put the baby's cradle on his back and from the hut followed a path to the mountains. On the mountains, Rost followed a trail to a high up platform. "Normally the mother plans the date of this ritual," he explained. "But since you don't have one, I did". when he reached the platform, in his surprise, someone was waiting there. "High mother Teersa, what is she doing here?" said Rost. when he reached the woman she suddenly said"Rost, come quickly, we have to finish the ritual fast, we don't want the others to find us.". following her orders Rost took the baby from it's cradle, went to an edge of the platform, knelt down and raised the baby higher than his head and waited. A second later, a loud and mysterious voice, coming from an unknown location, had suddenly shouted, some would say at the top of it's lungs,"ALOY !"

My Story

   Chapter 1 ALOY In the midst of the jungle lay a cute baby. It's name is yet to be vowed and be confirmed.It's cradle was just o...